Greetings, fellow gamers and game enthusiasts! I'm Ethan Luu, a passionate Game Creator with a fervor for crafting captivating virtual worlds. As a current Freshman in George Mason University's Computer Game Design Program, I have dedicated myself to the art and science of game design, constantly seeking new challenges and creative outlets in this dynamic industry.

In the realm of game design, I have roughly a year of Game Design experience so far, where I've honed my skills and fueled my love for programming. My journey began at a young age. As a child, I was always felt that video games acted as a brief escape from reality, where anything and everything can happen, and since then, I've immersed myself in the intricacies of creating immersive and memorable gaming experiences, hoping that one day, I can inspire others to create games.

What drives me in this ever-evolving field is the sheer magic of bringing ideas to life, shaping interactive narratives, and providing players with a journey that transcends the boundaries of reality. From the moment I stepped onto George Mason's Campus and took the Intro to Computer Game Design Course, I fell in love and found my calling in game design, and I've been on an exhilarating quest ever since.

Completed Projects

Planet Defender

Planet Defender was my first ever project using Unity. This was an introductory project to an online course that I am taking called GameDevRocket. It is a short, but sweet game with a simple premise: protect your planet from incoming asteriods.

Planet Defender Cover Image

Climb to Riches

Climb to Riches is the second game in the GameDevRocket course. In this game, you work up from almost nothing. You build houses that generate you income in hopes that one day, you can build the house of your dreams.

Climb To Riches Cover Image

Current Projects

George Mason University Logo

As a Computer Game Design Major at George Mason University, I am immersed in the dynamic world of game development. With a keen passion for crafting immersive and engaging gaming experiences, I have honed my skills in areas such as game design, programming, and storytelling. My academic journey has equipped me with a deep understanding of the industry's latest trends and technologies. As I approach graduation in 2027, I am excited to leverage my education and creativity to contribute meaningfully to the ever-evolving landscape of computer game design.

The Boss Rush Game Jam is a month-long event going from January 5 to February 5. A game jam is an event where individuals or teams come together to create a video game within a short period. Participants, often game developers, designers, programmers, and artists, collaborate to conceptualize, design, and build a game from scratch based on a given theme or set of constraints. I, allong with four teammates are competing in the Boss Rush Game Jam.

Boss Rush Game Jam Logo